Poor Righteous Teachers Black Business Rarest
Poor Righteous Teachers are an underground HipHop group from Trenton, New Jersey, founded in 1989. Often referred to as PRT by their fans, Poor Righteous Teachers are known as pro-Black conscious hip hop artists, with musical content inspired by the teachings of the Nation of Gods and Earths.

Black Business; Studio album by Poor Righteous Teachers. Poor Righteous Teachers. Culture Freedom, Power Israel, Black Prince. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Dragon Burn Serial Mac Booster. Com: Customer Discussions: Hip Hop forum. Hood- ish Baby Names That Take Creativity Too Far. Sam Cooke Live Copa Raritan. Oranjello (Or- anne- jell. Yes you read that correctly, it’s.
Wise Intelligent, as the lead MC, is the most visible and well known member of the group. Culture Freedom provides backing vocals and production and Father Shaheed serves as a DJ and producer. Its discography, for the most part on Profile Records, is out of print.