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• progeCAD, is an AutoCAD ® compatible 2D/3D CAD application that works with AutoCAD ® DWG files from AutoCAD ® 2.5 through AutoCAD ® 2018! The best solution for AEC, MCAD and all generic CAD usages. • progeCAD's original format DWG ensures complete compatibility with AutoCAD ®WITHOUT ANY FILE CONVERSION and without loosing any critical information.
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ProgeCAD lets you export drawing files both in DWG and DXF drawing file formats. • progeCAD offers the interface complete with the 'AutoCAD ®- Like' Classic icon and Ribbon menus and 'AutoCAD ® - Like' commands. • progeCAD Professional is general-purpose 2D and 3D design software useful for CAD field & concept sketch. It offers very high compatibility with AutoCAD ® and Direct Modeling in native.dwg. ProgeCAD is so much more than an alternative!
ProgeCAD offers more CAD functions than AutoCAD ® LT at a fractional price to AutoCAD ®, ArchiCAD ® or Microstation ®. New licenses include 1 month free support. • New amazing features: New advanced Render, SHAPE Import, User interface improvement, perspective image correction and other new features. • Download the FULL VERSION for FREE for a non-obligation, fully-functional thirty-day trial.
• Download the amazing eBooks by available for free to familiarize with progeCAD and customize it. Always updated with iCare 1 year subscription-based maintenance and support program available. The iCare subscription offers a variety of benefits to help customers get the most out of their progeCAD software. Cut down upgrades costs and receive more value! For an annual fee, iCare customers get convenient access to the following benefits: • Software: you receive all progeCAD updates and new versions (e.g. ICare subscribers will receive progeCAD 2018 at no charge).
• Support: technical assistance via the web with the help desk service through ticket, email and remote support. Buy iCare now bundled with your progeCAD licenses and save 18% on the iCare price. 2018 new features • DWG 2018 support Opens AutoCAD ® 2018 DWG drawings • New Render engine based on Artisan New integration with Artisan Renderer (free included). The Render allows you to create a photorealistic image of your model quickly using a wide range of pre-set materials and lighting setups combined with the ability to create custom lights and realistic materials. • ESRI-SHAPE Import New commands to import SHAPE (ESRI) files with geometry and its attributes into DWG drawings. • Superhatch Command Create hatch patterns from images, blocks, external references (xrefs) and wipeouts • Multileaders The MLEADER command can create leaders with a variety of arrows, segments and content, including text and blocks with attributes. Unlike the older LEADER and QLEADER objects, the MLEADER object is a single object that can be easily adjusted, also using Grips.
• In-place Editor for Text and Multiline Text The new multiline text editor allows you to edit multiline text in place. However, not all multiline text features are implemented in the new editor. • PDF Print with Layers Create high quality PDF files from drawings (with layers!). ProgeCAD Professional prints PDF files with the same Layer structure of a drawing. The layers can be set on/off in the PDF document using Adobe Reader.