Mapilab Nntp For Outlook Crackberry
MAPILab NNTP allows you to read and post to newsgroups from Microsoft Outlook. May 22, 2013 How Can I Set-up Outlook 2010 For Reading News? Outlook doesn't include NNTP protocol to read the. Posts to the newsgroups. Mapilab offers 32.
Usenet are some of the Internet's best-kept secrets. They're public, unmoderated discussion forums on every subject imaginable, both technical and non-technical. Typically, they're accessed through a program called a newsreader, which uses a protocol called. They can also be read through a Web interface, such as Google Groups. Most groups are not controlled by anyone in particular, but some are created by specific companies or interests.
Quicken Qdf File Corrupted This Program. For instance, Microsoft runs its own news servers that supply discussions about Microsoft-related products and technologies to other news servers. Outlook Express, the stripped-down version of Microsoft Outlook, has a newsgroup reader in it. But, in what has to be one of the grander ironies imaginable, the full version of Microsoft Outlook does not.
MAPILab has stepped in to fill this feature void with, a tool that lets you use your Microsoft Outlook e-mail client as a newsreader. MAPILab NNTP works as a full transport, so that a newsgroup account behaves in much the same way as a full e-mail account.