Telecharger Patch Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge Ps3 Hacks

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Would not mind this on the xbox!!! Looks like the SA players are updated too. But i think this might be a custom job done by an individual as i think the company that developed this game did not do any enhancements. So i doubt this will be available for the xbox. I think you might need to google the patch. Damn it a pitty, cuz i got tired to tryiong to figure out who the actual SA player was lol somethimes its seasy, like 'Havana' you know needs to be Habana etc lol but sometimes its gets difficult.
Release Name: Jonah.Lomu.Rugby.Challenge. Basic Greek Phrases Pdf Reader. 2.PS3-iNSOMNi Size: 4.15 GB Description: Rugby Challenge 2 The Lions Tour Edition brings all the excitement of rugby.