Sims 3 Firefighter Respond Emergency Management
Sims 3 Firefighter Respond Emergency. Fire Drills & Simulations- Fire Engineering Magazine. The Sims 3 is the third standalone game in the The Sims series. Gameplay strategy and discussion for The Sims 3. Ambitions - Emergencies not ending. An emergency and i have 3 lev 10 firefighters. Or respond to any emergency. Firefighter Career - Emergencies Not. Sims 3 - Expansion Packs ยป. If anything interrupts the 'respond to emergency' action, the emergency disappears. My Firefighter can't enter the building. I'm trying my first firefighter and have run into a problem. When an emergency happens, the co- workers automatically respond.
I'm having a frustrating problem with the Firefighter career. I'll go to the station dutifully, but when the emergency alarm rings I click on the firetruck to respond to it and then seconds after the emergency ends as though it never existed in the first place. Download Free Software Iusb3 Root_hub30&vid_8086&pid_1e31 Driver. If it makes a difference, I've got all expansion packs installed. I also use the following mods: Overwatch, ErrorTrap, Relativity, Register, and Story Progression. I have tested this issue with mods, without mods, with a single sim in my household, and with a sim in my household with other sims. I have also tested it with premade sims already in town and my own sims.
The only time I've played a firefighter and had it work normally was when I played a sim already in town: Christopher Steel. Any thoughts? You certainly shouldn't be getting this problem. If it was a single file, I would consider the possibility of file corruption.

I have a rule of thumb which I find often resolves issues - if all else fails, try a factory reset - see stickies in Technical Help. I don't use any CC or mods, so can't comment on what effect these may or may not have, however, if you decide to try the factory reset, remove all CC and mods and try to play a new firefighter file without them. If that works, slowly reintroducing your extra content, one piece at a time will help to isolate the cause, if they are in fact in any way to blame.
I've also had this problem recently, in my Life States Dynasty. I play firefighters quite a lot and had never seen it before.
One of the spouses was a Jack of All Trades and firefighter was one of his jobs. I couldn't get him to go to a single emergency because they all cancelled.
Fortunately, level 5 is easily reached just through skill-building. Later, one of the heirs was briefly in the career, mostly for the rewards. His first emergency also cancelled but the others were OK. I had patched in between so it might be related to that. (This was also a pretty buggy file - playing with a ghost family causes all sorts of odd glitches.). Bit of a necro post, but I think I've figured something out.
It doesn't matter how you respond (fire truck, fire alarm, house itself, alert icon, whatever), what does matter is how long the job exists before you respond. If I respond immediately, then there's at best a 50/50 chance of actually responding to the emergency. If however I wait 5 or 6 sim minutes after the emergency shows up to respond, then there's like a 90% chance of the job functioning correctly. Have no idea why this is, and EA definitely needs to adress this, but for the moment I see this as a workable (if not ideal) workaround. I know I'm necroing a very old thread but.
I've found the solution! If you are in sunset valley, then this is for you! Just delete the old fire station and build a new one! As long as you don't resume the game after you delete it, and build a new one, yours, and everybody else's (Who works there) jobs there should stay in tact.
The Sunset Valley Fire Station is broken and I don't know why ea hasn't fixed it (Not sure if they're going to now because of the sims 4 though). Anyway, I hope this helped!
My Sim is able to arrive to their job place successfully. When an emergency happens, the co-workers automatically respond to the emergency and my active Sim is unable to do anything.