Mastering Arabic Rapidshare Download
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Online resources • Table showing how components of the Mastering Arabic series can be used together to create a comprehensive learning package. • Illustrated Powerpoint presentations for each of the main units of Mastering Arabic 1 and Mastering Arabic 2. You can download these presentations and use them on your computer to reinforce what you are learning in the Mastering Arabic courses.

• Short videos featuring native speakers from different parts of the Arabic-speaking world. You can watch the videos on the companion website to enhance your listening skills.
The accompanying video worksheets allow you to reinforce your comprehension and expand your vocabulary. • These ready-to-print PDFs show you how to perfect the more complicated characters in Arabic script. Great for practising in your own time.
• Online audio flashcards. Mastering Arabic vocabulary review in a fun and friendly format. Suitable for individual learning. • Carefully selected websites to support your learning of Arabic. Many of the sites list additional material and resources.
• Ready-to-print enlarged PDF versions of some of the more complex activities in theMastering Arabic course books. You may find the printouts easier to work with for these activities. • Ready-to-print PDF audioscripts containing the full transcript for reference of listening and speaking activities included in the Mastering Arabic course books.
• These activities concentrate on pair work and group work to enhance the four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Installer Firmware Movie Cube R100gs. Although they are mainly designed for teachers in a classroom setting, you will be able to take advantage of them if you have access to a friend or relative who is also learning Arabic. • This appendix of extra material offers wider advice to support you in your studies. We hope you find this website for the Mastering Arabic series useful. We welcome for future inclusion.
Author: Jane Wightwick, Mahmoud Gaafar Category: Arabic Language: English Page: 1 ISBN: Description: Mastering Arabic 2 is a modern, engaging, intermediate Arabic course offering lively dialogues, varied texts and exercises, and fascinating cultural insights. The course follows on from the best-selling Mastering Arabic 1 but is suitable for any learner with some prior knowledge of Arabic.