Intusoft Magnetics Designer Free Download Free

Download Intusoft Magnetics Designer 4. Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Pissarides Pdf Creator here. 1.0 - best software for Windows. Magnetics Designer: Magnetics Designer is a standalone software program for Windows that.
Magnetics Designer is a standalone software program for Windows that designs all types of layer (and sector/split bobbin) wound transformers and inductors, and generates a corresponding SPICE model. Magnetics Designer produces a complete transformer or inductor design based upon electrical specifications, including a winding sheet report and a SPICE-compatible model with parasitics. A database with thousands of cores, wide variety of materials and wire is included, including a non-linear saturable core SPICE model. In addition, you can add your own cores, wire and material information using a supplied Excel© spreadsheet. Core vendors such as TDK, Magnetics, Philips, Thomson, Micrometals, Siemens, Kaschke, Ferrite International, VAC and Fair-Rite are represented.