Henry Winkler Bio
Actor-producer-author Henry Winkler talks about the Fonz, life after 'Happy Days,' and how he's connecting with a new generation of fans.

Henry Winkler is not only an actor, known for his hit series Happy Days, he is a writer, producer, director and first-time author. In his new book series for children, written with Oliver Lin, Winkler explores the world of a fourth-grader who struggles with learning differences. Hank Zipzer: The Mostly True Confessions of the World's Best Underachiever chronicles the adventures of Hank Zipzer who is inspired by Winkler's experiences growing up with undiagnosed dyslexia. Henry Winkler feels strongly about his new writing achievements and describes how this project has touched him, “At one time it was so hard for me to read a book.
Diario Di Una Schizofrenica Libro Pdf In Mortal And Melodis. It is so monumental for me to be able to write a book. I want kids to be able to identify, laugh, and realize that they're not alone no matter what their learning challenge is.” Winkler is also committed to children's welfare and works with numerous children's groups. He is involved with The MacLaren Children's Center (a facility for abused children), The National Committee for Arts for the Handicapped, The Special Olympics, and The Los Angeles Music Center's Very Special Arts Festival, as well as numerous teenage alcohol and drug abuse programs. He is a founding member of the Children's Action Network, a non-profit organization that sponsors informational briefings for writers, producers and directors on children's issues and serves as a clearing-house for the entertainment industry on children's issues. Henry Winkler currently lives in California with his wife and three children.