Dast Richtlinie 009 Pdf To Jpg

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Abstract Extension of DASt-RiL 009 for the choice of steel quality for welded connections of bracing components in building constructions. DASt-Richtlinie 009, equivalent to DIN EN 1993-1-10, provides a tool based on fracture mechanics for the choice of material of steel structures to avoid brittle fracture at low temperatures. The procedure has initially been developed for the conditions of bridges, i.e. For fatigue loading and is applicable for all structural details for which fatigue classes are determined in DIN EN 1993-1-9 or in DIN-Fachbericht 103. For such structural details the procedure can also be applied for buildings on the safe side.
Economic connections in building frames, e.g. Welded connections of bracing components in slotted gusset plates are normally designed with plastic resistance models ignoring any notch effect relevant for fatigue. Therefore they are not in the scope of DASt-RiL 009. This contribution gives a proposal for an extension of DASt-RiL 009, such that it covers these types of connections in building frames as well. The procedure of determining tables for the selection of steel qualities is as for bridges, except that the assumptions for the assessment (e.g.
Crack sizes) are different. The simplified tables have the same format as table2 in DASt-RiL 009, however the influence of plate thickness is smaller than that of other geometric parameters.