Clone X Serial Number
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Drive Cloning (How to retain Hard Drive Serial Number)? Greetings, I've started cloning my drives in my DAW a few years back to preserve my system. I use Acronis cloning software. But for the life of me, I can't figure out why when I clone from one hard drive to an exact model duplicate hard drive (that has the same size), I always have to re-authorize all of my IK multimedia plugins and a host of others. I know that these usually scream for you to re-authorize if it thinks your system/hard drive configuration has changed.
So that must mean that these plugins are looking for some hardware serial number embedded in the drive somewhere. So my question is, does anyone know of any utilities/tools that lets a user assign the same drive serial numbers to a cloned drive, so that the plugins don't see different system configuration? It becomes a pain, because companies like IK Multimedia dock you each time you re-authorize. You are give, I think 5 authorizations to start with. Install Firebug Firefox Portable Deutsch. But after that, I guess you have to buy the software again once your authorizations run out. I can understand companies that do this to prevent piracy. But for the honest user that simply wants to back up his system regularly, this is unfair.