Carolina Hd10 Bandsaw Instruction & Parts Manual

Power tool manuals and free pdf instructions. Find the user manual you need for your tools and more at ManualsOnline. Skil Jig Saw Parts Manual.
Hey I appreciate your post Joe. It just makes me confident I made the right decision. I called the gentleman today about the saw so that he would not be left hanging.
I explained to him that I was lucky and was able to consult some very knowledgeable professionals about the saw and their collective opinion was that I was better off not purchasing the saw. What did I get for being polite and calling instead of just not showing up on Saturday? One PIS*ED OFF guy. Anyway as always thanks a lot for your help and advice.
You guys are the best! Do What You Are Paul Tieger Pdf To Excel on this page.
Click to expand.clark find out how much a new blade costs. I have a goofy wood cutting band saw that takes a really really long blade.
Each blade is 86.00 (thats what I paid 2 summers ago for the last one.) whats worse is that I only paid 75.00 for the saw! I have a kalamazoo cutoff saw at work and I love it.
I would say we use the cutoff saw More than any other machine we have. They're lots better than the chopsaw. At one of the raceshops dad and I were in they had a little bracket that could be bolted on a cutoff saw (when it was in the upright position) to create a small 'worksurface' thereby creating a verticle bandsaw as well.
Carolina brand saws are the low end of the scale as this type of saw goes.Having said that,$250 is not a bad price,not smokin' but not bad. A blade with a variable pitch is the best way to go for everything but aluminum. The variable pitch blade will run ya about $65 depending on your locale and connections. I have been using the same blade now for going on 3 years. I coulda used up a lot of chop saw blades in that time at $14 apiece as I use my saw alot. They are kinda hard if not impossibe to get a perfectly square cut with but can definately be set close enough for government work.LOL I would definitely invest in it if for no other reason than they are quieter an less messy than a chop saw. Click to expand.