Balsa Usa Northstar Manual Transmission

Hey, I have a chance to get a Northstar off of a club member. I have been drooling over them for years (ever since I started flying lol).
He said he would give it to me, if I bought his Great Planes Super Sportster Float Plane(yeah he added floats to a sportster). I'm not sure how a plane like that would fly with floats hanging off the bottom. Anyway, I was wondering how they fly exactly, I sure someone out there has flown one atleast once. I have been flying my F27 Stryker to great extent(although I am not comfortable flying aerobatics though) but general flight is ok. Anyways if anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Northstar flies great, and especially you can get really slow, landing, without problems.I have seen a twice-size version fly also,.90 for power, very impressive.
Balsa Usa Northstar Manual. A And N Pdf. The Balsa USA Gold Pro Single Servo Tray is designed to work with all the common standard sized servos. Mercedes W123 Manual Gearbox Operation. Jul 31, 2014 Discussion Balsa USA Northstar Waterplanes. I've decided to add to my Float Plane Fleet and build a Northstar.