Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program Gmunden

APPLICATION PROCESS IS NOW CLOSED!!!! STAY INFORMED!! SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAILS!! INDICATE YOUR INTERESTS!! The George Mason University Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program (ASSIP) was established in 2007 by Dr. Lance Liotta, Dr. Emanuel Petricoin III, Dr.
Virginia Espina, and Amy Adams to give high school and undergraduate students, who have an interest in STEM, access to real-world, hands-on research. Students work one-on-one with faculty researchers at George Mason University and collaborating institutions using state-of-the-art technology to solve hypothesis driven questions in Biochemistry, Biodefense, Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Genomics, GeoInformation Science (GIS), Mathematical Modeling, Medicine, Nanotechnology, Neuroscience, Serious Game Design, Sports Medicine, Physics, and Proteomics. As part of the 7.5 week full-time training students: • Gain hands-on experience using cutting-edge sophisticated equipment and technologies, • Develop and exercise scientific writing and communication skills • Explore STEM career choices through discussion forums and meetings with role models • Develop and exercise creative skills, crucial to performing innovative research Hard work often pays off with participants’ names published in scientific journals and their work presented at scientific conferences. The 2017 Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program will begin on Friday, June 23, 2017 and will conclude with a poster symposium on Friday, August 11, 2017.
Key Dates 2017 ASSIP application available: Nov 15, 2016 Application Deadline: Feb 5, 2017 First Day, Orientation: Jun 23, 2017 Final Day, Poster Session: Aug 11, 2017 For more information and application, visit.
What do the area’s most brilliant high school and undergraduate students with a scientific bent do for the summer? They gain hands-on experience working with nanotechnology, bioinformatics, neuroscience, proteomics, and genomic analysis at Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program (). Competition for admittance is stiff. This year, 48 of the 306 applicants made it through the vigorous screening process.
Bridge Cc Keygen Torrent. Boards Of Canada Geogaddi 3202075848 here. Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program ***POSITION CURRENTLY FILLED*** Next open opportunity Summer 2016 This is a summer internship.