Altera University Program Qsim Transfer
Quartus II Tutorial Introduction Altera Quartus II is available for. QSim can't be opened automatically from. Open the Altera U.P. (University Program). Introduction to Simulation of VHDL. An introduction to such simulation using Altera’s University Program. The Qsim tools, navigate to Altera’s University.
Algorithmic Puzzles By Anany Levitin Pdf Viewer. Quartus II Tutorial Introduction Altera Quartus II is available for Windows and Linux. The instructions here are from version 11.0, with some updates for versions 12.0, 12.1 and 13.0. I try to keep it up to date. On my YouTube channnel, I have a.
Using Quartus II • • • • • • • • • Simulation Note: Since version 11.1 of Quartus II, the QSim simulator has been automatically included with Quartus II, for Windows and Linux. For simple simulations, it is easy to use. Following are instructions for simulations using either one. (using QSim) (using ModelSim) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • In this tutorial, we will show you how you capture the schematic design for the automatic door opener circuit using Altera Quartus II software. The Problem We are designing a circuit for an automatic door like those you see at supermarkets. The door should open only when a person is detected walking through or when a person presses a switch (such as the wheelchair button) to have the door open. The door should only operate if it has been unlocked.
• output: f = 1 (Opens Door) • inputs • p = 1 Person Detected • h = 1 Switch Holding the Door Open • c = 1 Door Closed/Locked • Want door to open when • the door is unlocked and person walking through (c=0 and p=1) • the door is unlocked and the switch is set to hold it open (c=0 and h=1) I: Drive During Labs you will need to save all your work under a directory called CP120 in your Home Directory (drive I:) To get to your I: or your Home Directory double click on My Computer icon on the desktop. Under I: CP120 create the following folders • intro • task • project Copy this directory from the I drive to the E drive. There are currently problems saving files directly to the I drive. Be sure to copy your files back to the I drive after you are done. Getting Started with Altera Quartus Launch the Altera Quartus software.
You should see a screen such as this: Creating a New project Select the File → New Project Wizard; a window like the following will appear. To select the working directory use the button to browse and select E: CP120 intro.
Name the project DoorOpener. (Note that the next field gets filled in automatically.) Select Finish. Don't uses spaces in file or directory names. Creating a new Schematic design Select File → New - A window as seen in the following picture will open. Select ' Block Diagram/Schematic File' and press OK. This should open a pane where you will design your circuit.
This pane is designated Block1.bdf. Save this graphic design file as DoorOpener in your 'intro' directory. The file will be given the bdf extension; bdf stands for block design file and contains schematics, symbols or block diagrams.